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Week 1: May gardening

May is the month that completes the transition
from the balmy days of autumn to the cold of
winter. Many plants relish this change of

Flowers to sow in May - Paper daisies

Sow seeds of Yates pink paper daisies now
and, before you know it, you'll have a meadow
of soft pink flowers. Paper daisies are hardy,
undemanding and make long-lasting cut
flowers. Best of all, in warmer areas, they can
be sown right where they're to grow, which
saves fiddly transplanting (in cold climates it's
best to start them in pots - or wait until spring).

Vegies to sow in May - Broad beans

Broad beans grow easily from seed but there
are three special things you should remember
about these cool season vegies: 1. The pods of
broad beans won't develop until the weather
starts to warm up in spring. 2. Pods should be
picked when they're young and tender – don't
let them get old and tough. 3. After harvest, dig
the nitrogen-rich plants in to improve the soil.

Feed in May
Finish planting spring bulbs this month and look
out in the shops for bulbs of some of the later-
blooming varieties such as liliums and callas.
Dig bulb food or organic Biogold pellets into the
soil before planting. Debate always rages
about the wisdom of feeding bulbs at planting
time, with many people saying that the bulb can
get by on the goodness stored up from the
previous year. But if you're planning future
performances, any added nutrition will help get
the bulb into top shape for next year's

Prune in May
This month provides you with a great
opportunity to tidy up the garden before winter
arrives. Cut back anything that's dead or
messy-looking. Prune sasanqua camellias and
gordonias after flowering.

Pest watch in May
Cooler weather doesn't deter snails and slugs -
in fact they love this time of year. They'll come
out at night looking for tender new growth and
they're particularly fond of emerging bulb
shoots. Sprinkle Blitzem or Baysol lightly
around vulnerable plants. If you're worried
about pet safety, look for the Blitzem Granules.

Garden job file
May is moving month. Many of the smaller
shrubs (such as azaleas, hebes and gardenias)
can be transplanted this month. It's a good
time, too, to move conifers. All will than have
plenty of time to settle into their new homes
before the cold winter arrives.

Before moving prepare the soil well in the new
spot and, once the plant's in place, water well.
Concentrate on making sure the water gets into
the root ball – it's sure to want to run off to the
soft soil at the sides.

